Deathloop Wiki

Discoveries are clues about Blackreef that Colt has discovered by exploring the island and paying attention to the things he sees and hears. They are recorded in the Journal.

Discoveries are relevant to specific locations and time periods. The Journal will show which district and time period a particular discovery is relevant to.

All codes and passwords are randomized for each player.

The Complex[]

Discovery Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
There's an old Power Station beneath the Loop Control Center. Icon Morning
The generator starter requires a battery to power up, but once I punch the 'on' button I can remove and re-use the battery.
To start a generator in the Power Station, it must have a Battery inserted into its socket. The Battery does not have to remain inserted after the generator has been started.
Icon Morning
Egor Serling desperately wants credit for founding the AEON Program. Icon Noon
There are multiple Wenjies in the Complex. What could go wrong? Icon Afternoon
Seems Wenjie removes the HALPS from its case in the evening. Icon Evening
I can access Wenjie's depressurization controls at a code-protected device inside her security lab. For a control freak, she sure does love a single point of failure.
The depressurization controls for the Laboratory Annex are located in the red 'Security' prefab. They will allow multiple Wenjies to be killed at once by depressurizing the lab. However, the controls are protected by a code.
Icon Afternoon
The key code to access the depressurization controls is in the Lab Annex.
The code for the depressurization controls is found in the Note, ATTENTION ALL WENJIES, which is stuck to a whiteboard near Wenjie's quarters in the Laboratory Annex.
Icon Afternoon
I'm no expert, but - oh wait, I am! This code I found at Wenjie's facility looks connected to her depressurization controls. Too bad it changes every loop.
The code to the depressurization controls found in the Note, ATTENTION ALL WENJIES, changes every loop.
Icon Afternoon
Interacting with the 'security measures' Egor has left around the Complex will alert him to my presence.
Egor will be unaware of Colt's presence in the Complex until any of the traps (lasermines, proximity mines, security sensors, or turrets) are triggered.
Icon Evening
Wenjie keeps a flask of pure Residuum in the control room for Trinket manufacture.
The Trinket creator in the Laboratory Annex requires Residuum to create Trinkets. During Morning and Noon there is a ready-to-use flask of Residuum in the Loop Control Center. It requires a Crank Wheel to access.
Icon Morning Icon Noon
Wenjie's green pod thingy contains Trinket-creating tech.
There is a Trinket creator in the Laboratory Annex which can be used to create Trinkets during Morning and Noon. It is no longer available once Wenjie Evans arrives in the Afternoon.
Icon Morning Icon Noon
The Complex is host to the Wake Up Challenge: find the boxes and take the goodies inside. Sounds easy... if I'm quick enough.
SS Gift Icon
Charlie Montague's "Wake Up" challenge takes place during the Morning. There are three gifts located in: Array Y, the Ordnance Depot, and near the Laboratory Annex.
Icon Morning
Every morning, a mysterious message is broadcast on the radio. Mysteries? On Blackreef? Shocking.
Hacking a radio during the Morning will reveal a secret message that provides the number of times the doorbell must be rung to unlock the Storm Shelter, Derelict Apartment, and Dusty Storeroom spy hideouts.
Icon Morning
The code for the armory is ####.
This refers to the armory in the Ordnance Depot.
Icon Noon
With code ####, I can use the Gideon Fry the Delivery Guy booth located in the parking lot on the outskirts of the Complex. Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
A Map of The Complex
Map The Complex
Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening

Fristad Rock[]

Discovery Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
Harriet Morse is responsible for AEON's organizational structure. Also, the masks. Icon Afternoon
Charlie and Fia's love nest can be flooded at the pumping station control room.
One way of killing Charlie and Fia as part of Afternoon Delight is to drown them by pulling the lever in the Pumping Station's control room.
Icon Afternoon
I can open the door to Charlie and Fia's pumping station by entering tapes #, #, #, and # - in that order. Icon Afternoon
In Frank's exclusive club, doors only open for people wearing a ClassPass. A ClassPass comes from a dispenser outside. People wearing a ClassPass can't use Slabs. Coincidence or conspiracy? Icon Morning
The code to shut down the ClassPass security system is ####
Entering this code into the security system of the Ramblin' Rock Club will cause all the ClassPass-sealed doors to open.
Icon Morning
I can deactivate Fia's reactor by cutting the # Wire, the # Wire, the # Wire, and the # Wire - in that order. Fia would destroy Fristad to protect her secrets - if she sees me coming.
If Fia detects Colt in the Fractured ImAge, she will activate the nuclear reactor in the main room. Once the reactor reaches a certain level, Fristad Rock will be destroyed and the loop will be reset. The reactor can be deactivated by hacking open the panel on the back and cutting the colored wires in the correct order.
Icon Noon
Fia keeps schematics for her reactor in her bunker's workshop. I can use them to disarm the device. Icon Noon
An audacious Eternalist determined to unlock additional 2-BIT commands has placed home-grown hacking tech under the radio broadcaster.
The Hacker's Hideout under the Transmission Post is open in the Afternoon. Completing the Hacker's plan will unlock a power user mode for 2-B.I.T..
Icon Afternoon
Every morning, a mysterious message is broadcast on the radio. Mysteries? On Blackreef? Shocking.
Hacking a radio during the Morning will reveal a secret message that provides the number of times the doorbell must be rung to unlock the Storm Shelter, Derelict Apartment, and Dusty Storeroom spy hideouts.
Icon Morning
I can open a bunker in Fristad Rock by ringing the bell # times.
This is the number of times that the doorbell in front of the Storm Shelter must be rung for the door to unlock.
Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon
I found the codes that'll get me into the spies' archives in their bunker on Fristad Rock: ###, ### and ###.
These are the codes needed to get into the Intelligence Archives Office inside the Storm Shelter spy hideout.
Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon
An Eternalist fled Karl's Bay by boat in the morning with a valuable item. He's headed for Fristad Rock.
A safe located in Karl's Bay was stolen after the Morning. It can be found on the shoreline behind the Fractured ImAge in Fristad Rock in the Afternoon. The safe will be open and inside will be a Salt-Scented Page which provides the code for the safe. This code can be used in later loops to open the safe in Karl's Bay in the Morning.
Icon Afternoon
Found a man lurking in a boathouse under Frank's place. He seemed excited to see me but hardly keen to share a beer. Icon Afternoon
The code for the Gideon Fry the Delivery Guy booth under the gigantic AEON panel near my tunnel on Fristad Rock is ####. Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon
A Map of Fristad Rock
Map Fristad Rock
Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon

Karl's Bay[]

Discovery Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
Harriet controls the toxic gas levels in Hangar 2 with a lever located in her pulpit. Icon Morning Icon Evening
Frank threw away his Slab, and it has made its way to the garbage disposal facility in Karl's Bay. Icon Morning Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
There's an underground garbage facility nestled into the seaside cliffs of Karl's Bay. Its entry only opens during the afternoon. Icon Afternoon
The code to activate the conveyor in the garbage disposal facility is ###. Icon Afternoon
I can access Hangar 2 through a maintenance closet in Hangar 1. The access code is ####. Icon Morning
Every morning, a mysterious message is broadcast on the radio. Mysteries? On Blackreef? Shocking.
Hacking a radio during the Morning will reveal a secret message that provides the number of times the doorbell must be rung to unlock the Storm Shelter, Derelict Apartment, and Dusty Storeroom spy hideouts.
Icon Morning
I can unlock the door of a hideout in Karl's Bay by ringing the doorbell # times.
This is the number of times that the doorbell in front of the Dusty Storeroom must be rung for the door to unlock.
Icon Morning Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
Some enterprising scientists are running an unauthorized experiment this afternoon in Karl's Bay.
During the Afternoon, some Eternalists will be running an experiment in the Unauthorized Experiment Building. This experiment will allow you to create Trinkets.
Icon Afternoon
The Trinket fabricator runs on Residuum, which I can collect from Visitors with the Harvester. Love me some DIY. Icon Afternoon
The loop destabilizer summons Visitors from other timelines that I can hunt down and harvest... for about 4 minutes, anyway. Icon Afternoon
An Eternalist named Pick is retaining their memory, but killing themselves daily. Seems reasonable. Says they'll leave me a code in the evening so I can stop them in a later loop. Icon Evening
The code to Pick's room is ####. I can speak with them in their Karl's Bay apartment... if I can get there in time. Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
The code of the Karl's Bay boatsman's safe is ####.
The safe is located in a Boat Hangar along the shoreline leading to Akkar Station.
Icon Morning
Vanya is part of a contest and may smoke herself to death in Updaam around noon. Interfering with the contest might change who makes it home.
Changing the light on The Pact of Smoke machine in Cass's Apartment in the Morning to the top(?) light will allow Vanya to survive, making her Restaurant accessible during the Afternoon and Evening.
Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
Anatoly is part of a contest and may smoke himself to death in Updaam around noon. Interfering with the contest might change who makes it home.
Changing the light on The Pact of Smoke machine in Cass's Apartment in the Morning to the bottom(?) light will allow Anatoly to survive, making his Apartment accessible during the Afternoon and Evening.
Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
A, uh, reduction to the cannon's power landed the eternalist on Hangar 1 in Karl's Bay. Bet I can find him. Er, what's left of him. Icon Evening
A couple of Eternalists have afternoon plans to loot the crashed seaplane. But who loots the looters? (Me. I do.)
The Crashed Plane off the shoreline near Colt's tunnels is accessible during the Afternoon.
Icon Afternoon
Amador closed his mask emporium so he could play the sacrifice in Harriet's ritual. There's no getting in if he's dead. Maybe he doesn't have to be.
If Amador Jack survives Harriet Morse's ritual in Hangar 2 during the Morning, the locked workshop inside Big Smiley will be accessible during the Afternoon and Evening. For Amador to survive, he must not be lowered into the toxic gas. This requires manipulation of the levers inside the cockpit.
Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
There's an automaton around here that trades in items. Why would a robot... you know what, never mind.
The Haul-A-Quin opposite the Yerhva will give Trinkets if you bring it the following items: Battery, Crank Wheel, Haul-A-Quin head (found inside the Big Smiley workshop - Amador needs to survive the Morning for it to be accessible), and a Turret.
Icon Morning Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
An eerie automaton called The Yerhva asks trivia questions of her visitors in Karl's Bay. Icon Morning Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
Gideon Fry the Delivery Guy placed a booth up the road to the left of my tunnels in Karl's Bay. The code is ####. Icon Morning Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
A Map of Karl's Bay
Map Karl's Bay
Icon Morning Icon Afternoon Icon Evening


Discovery Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
The RAK is secured with an audio lock, which requires three passwords to open. Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
One of the RAK passwords, found in Updaam's Yasen Station, is ####. Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
A password to the RAK, found in Sova Station on Fristad Rock, is ####. Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
A recording in Akkar Station in Karl's Bay reminded me of a RAK password I apparently already knew: ####. Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
Aleksis hosts a wolf-themed masquerade in the evening. That means wolf masks. Lots of wolf masks. Icon Evening
Aleksis' favorite beer is chocolate beer. He wants it, and if he doesn't get it, he'll make a scene.
If the chocolate beer tap in the basement of Dorsey Manor is sabotaged, Aleksis will throw a tantrum, allowing him to be identified.
Icon Evening
Aleksis wants to dance to his personal music mix. I should play DJ. His party, his rules, his funeral.
If the music mix at Aleksis' party is changed to match the mix in his personal quarters (look in the bathroom, near the note PERFECTION), Aleksis will come dance to the music, allowing him to be identified.
Icon Evening
Aleksis'll get real pissy if I break his statue. You can tell it's him by the shouting. Icon Evening
The trap door used in Aleksis' party 'game' can be opened with a button behind the big, bright 'scoreboard.' Icon Evening
What kind of an asshole brags about scamming people while standing on a deadly trap door? The Aleksis kind, of course.
While Aleksis is bragging about his exploits, it is possible to open the trap door underneath him and send him to the meat grinder. This is required for the Achievement, Alpha Burger.
Icon Evening
Frank sends up fireworks every evening.
Frank Spicer can be killed during the Evening by sabotaging his fireworks display.
Icon Evening
Charlie's mansion has been transformed into a live-action role-playing game called Condition Detachment. Icon Noon
2-BIT's an impressive piece of technology with a lot of control over Charlie's little slice of Updaam. Lucky for me, the machine's willing to talk. Icon Noon
2-BIT has a functioning memory and will remember me between loops.
After you kill Charlie in Condition Detachment for the first time, 2-B.I.T. will remember and take extra precautions in future loops. His dialogue will also change to indicate that he knows you're here to kill "Master Charlie".
Icon Noon
Charlie made sure 2-BIT could evacuate the entire building in an emergency. I'm an emergency.
If you speak to 2-B.I.T. you can tell him to evacuate Condition Detachment. This will cause all the Eternalists to leave the building and gather outside the front door.
Icon Noon
Charlie built his game around a real rocket engine. It's going nowhere fast, but it could kill a lot of people in a jiffy. Icon Noon
2-BIT designated me a "power user," granting me unrestricted use of some of his more dangerous functions. Icon Noon
Charlie keeps the shutdown code for Frank's ClassPass security system in his mansion.
The password for the Ramblin' Rock Club's ClassPass security system is found in the Note, From the Minicom of Charlie Montague, located in a ClassPass-sealed door underneath Condition Detachment (the entrance is inside the mansion's confines but an in an outside area). You will need to be wearing a ClassPass obtained in the Morning from the Ramblin' Rock Club to enter the room where the code is.
Icon Noon
Hidden away in a side room in Charlie's house is a ClassPass-activated door. The highest of high security. Icon Noon
A final reward for completing the Wake Up Challenge is in a depot outside Charlie's house. Icon Noon
I unlocked 2-BIT's debug mode for Condition Detachment. The robot should let me issue new commands in Charlie's game. Icon Noon
Every morning, a mysterious message is broadcast on the radio. Mysteries? On Blackreef? Shocking.
Hacking a radio during the Morning will reveal a secret message that provides the number of times the doorbell must be rung to unlock the Storm Shelter, Derelict Apartment, and Dusty Storeroom spy hideouts.
Icon Morning
It seems there's a hideout in Updaam that can only accessed by ringing the doorbell # times.
This is the number of times that the doorbell in front of the Derelict Apartment must be rung for the door to unlock.
Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
Charlie constructed The Moxie, a laserific kaleidoscope of timed challenges, on the lower road of Updaam. Apparently there's a prize and also a big prize.
Completing all The Moxie's challenges within the time limit will award an additional prize - an Exemplar Rapier with the Silver Bullet perk.
Icon Afternoon
The Moxie can be set to easy mode by hacking the control system in the nearby cellar, but that might help someone else win one of the prizes.
The Moxie's debug mode can be activated by hacking the antenna in a room up the road from The Moxie (near the entrance to Colt's tunnels). This will make the game easier when it can be accessed in the Afternoon, but it will not be possible to win the small prizes for completing the individual challenges, as they will have be won by private guests earlier in the day. It is still possible to win the grand prize for completing the challenges within the time limit.
Icon Morning

Icon Noon

Some Eternalists are having a smoking contest and one's a cheater. I can cheat, too.
You can meddle with the machine in the apartment opposite Colt's Luxury Suite where The Pact of Smoke takes place to alter who survives the contest. Meddling with the machine allows different Eternalists to survive (Cass, Anatoly or Vanya), providing access to the residence of the survivor during the Afternoon and Evening.
Icon Morning
Cass's code for the Pact of Smoke is ####. Icon Morning Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
Vanya's code for the Pact of Smoke is ####. Icon Morning Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
Anatoly's code for the Pact of Smoke is ####. Icon Morning Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
An adrenaline-seeker in Updaam wants to launch himself out of a cannon in the afternoon. Icon Afternoon
Someone hid a safe in a cave beneath Aleksis' mansion. Its glyphs refer to locations around Updaam.
The code to the safe underneath Dorsey Square is determined by numbers at the locations marked on the map next to the safe. The relevant numbers and the order in which they go are given by the triangles on the map and the wall near the safe. The number of lines indicates the order that the numbers go in.
Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
I know how to open the chest hidden under Dorsey Square. The code is ###, ###, ###. Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
The bubble-bound musicians are being fed breathable air from a machine backstage.
You can meddle with the air machine in the Library during the Afternoon which will cause the bubble musicians to suffocate in the Evening.
Icon Afternoon
Two of Updaam's finest idiots try to dig their way through a wall in the morning. They must be looking for SOMETHING worthwhile.
If the Eternalists aren't disturbed, there will be a tunnel underneath the wall next to the Library later in the day. This tunnel leads to a ledge near the underside of the Condition Detachment bridge.
Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
The code to open the Archives Gate between my tunnels in Updaam is ####. Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
There are stacks of firepower at the Library. I should check it out. No late fees in a time loop, right?
During the Morning, you can find lots of guns and Trinkets in the Library. There will also be a lot of Eternalists guarding the loot.
Icon Morning
I can access Updaam's sniper nest at noon. These spitballers have some big plans cooking.
The sniper nest is located in an upstairs apartment between the Candy Bar and the square in front of the Library. It is only open at Noon. Inside are the Eternalists who are preparing for the Keep On Giving ambush in the Afternoon. The sniper nest also provides a good vantage point for sniping Charlie Montague without having to enter Condition Detachment.
Icon Noon
I found a code for Gideon Fry the Delivery Guy's booth in the plaza in front of the Library in Updaam: ####. Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening
A Map of Updaam
Map Updaam
Icon Morning Icon Noon Icon Afternoon Icon Evening

See Also[]
