Fristad Rock is one of the locations in Deathloop. It is an island surrounded by a sea with a bridge to Blackreef. The place is a Welcome Center for new Eternalists transformed to Ramblin' Rock Club by Frank Spicer. There is a working reactor in old bunker in possession of Fia Zborowska that can blow up the whole place.
- AEON Security Office
- Boathouse
- Fractured ImAge
- Fractured ImAge Front Entrance
- Fractured ImAge Rear Entrance
- Gigantic AEON Panel
- Hacker's Hideout
- Intelligence Archives Office
- Main Road
- Pumping Station
- Ramblin' Rock Club
- Ramblin' Rock Club Main Entrance
- Ramblin' Rock Club Rooftop
- Ramblin' Rock Club Side Entrance
- Sova Station
- Storm Shelter
- Transmission Post
- Underground Bar