Deathloop Wiki

Karl's Bay is one of the locations in Deathloop. This is a settlement built around old Operation Horizon military air base. It is mostly surrounded by a sea with Updaam from the other side that towers above the cliffside. Harriet Morse is running her seminars in one of the old military hangars.


Times of day[]

Manor Cliffs Berezin's Manor
The Complex Common Array Y - Bunker Observation Room - Cave Bunker - Loop Control Center - Loop Control Center Lobby - Ordnance Depot - Parking Lot - Power Station - Ravine - Serling Labs - Tidevarv Station - Wenjie's Lab - Wenjie's Lab Seashore
Ordnance Depot Battery Locked Room - Code Locked Armory - Command Center - Strelak Verso Armory
Power Station Control Room - Generators Room 1 - Generators Room 2 - Generators Room 3
Wenjie's Lab Blue Laboratory Annex - Central Chamber - Green Laboratory Annex - Red Laboratory Annex
Fristad Rock Common AEON Security Office - Boathouse - Fractured ImAge - Fractured ImAge Front Entrance - Fractured ImAge Rear Entrance - Gigantic AEON Panel - Hacker's Hideout - Intelligence Archives Office - Main Road - Pumping Station - Ramblin' Rock Club - Ramblin' Rock Club Main Entrance - Ramblin' Rock Club Rooftop - Ramblin' Rock Club Side Entrance - Sova Station - Storm Shelter - Transmission Post - Underground Bar
Fractured ImAge Delivery Booth Workshop - Fia's Quarters - High Voltage Electrical Room - Garage - Garage Storage Room - Garage Workshop - Locker Room - Reactor Control Center
Pumping Station Bottom Floor - Control Room - Entrance - Main Room
Ramblin' Rock Club ClassPass Control Room - Frank's Office - Frank's Quarters - Music Room - Public Toilet Room - Reception Desk - Recording Booth
Karl's Bay Common AEON Coital Center - Abandoned Apartment - Akkar Station - Anatoly's Apartment - Big Smiley - Boat Hangar - Crashed Plane - Dawn of Reason - Dry Dock - Dusty Storeroom - Fathoms of Lament - Fireworks Container - Garbage Disposal Facility - Hangar 1 - Hangar 2 - Haul-A-Quin - High Street - Lila Blake's Apartment - Low Street - Lower Town - Pick Rexly's Apartment - Seaside Cliffs - The Introspector - The Yerhva - Treasure of the Ice! - Unauthorized Experiment Building - Vanya's Restaurant
Hangar 2 Gas Tunnel - Locker Room - Harriet's Pulpit - Harriet's Quarters - Top Walkway
Updaam Common AEON Archival Office - Bakery - Candy Bar - Cass's Apartment - Cliffside Cave - Cliffside Lower Road - Cliffside Plateau - Cliffside Upper Road - Condition Detachment - Derelict Apartment - Dorsey Manor - Dorsey Square - Fireworks Boutique - Library Square - Luxury Suite - Moxie Control System - Sniper Nest - The Library - The Library Backyard - The Moxie - The RAK - Town Street - Yasen Station
Condition Detachment 2-B.I.T. Chamber - Charlie's Sanctuary - Charlie's Smoking Room - Charlie's Workshop - ClassPass-Secured Room - Gas Cellar - Garage Depot - Rocket Engine - Roof - Storage Room
Dorsey Manor Aleksis' Quarters - Beer Cellar - Dancing Floor - Inner Yard - Main Hall - Rooftop - Small Bar
Other Stabilizer Core