Karl's Bay is one of the locations in Deathloop. This is a settlement built around old Operation Horizon military air base. It is mostly surrounded by a sea with Updaam from the other side that towers above the cliffside. Harriet Morse is running her seminars in one of the old military hangars.
- AEON Coital Center
- Abandoned Apartment
- Akkar Station
- Anatoly's Apartment
- Big Smiley
- Boat Hangar
- Crashed Plane
- Dawn of Reason
- Dry Dock
- Dusty Storeroom
- Fathoms of Lament
- Fireworks Container
- Garbage Disposal Facility
- Hangar 1
- Hangar 2
- Haul-A-Quin
- High Street
- Lila Blake's Apartment
- Low Street
- Lower Town
- Pick Rexly's Apartment
- Seaside Cliffs
- The Introspector
- The Yerhva
- Treasure of the Ice!
- Unauthorized Experiment Building
- Vanya's Restaurant