Trinkets are items in Deathloop that grant various buffs and effects when equipped. "Imbued with the power of Blackreef's temporal anomaly"[1] , trinkets increase a player's attributes or improves their weapons.
Overview [ ]
Trinkets are equipped in the Loadout screen between time periods.
You can have up to 4 Character Trinkets and up to 3 Weapon Trinkets per weapon simultaneously active. The number of Trinket slots that a weapon has will vary depending on its quality (typically 1, 2, or 3 slots for Crude, Sleek or Exemplar weapons, respectively).
The maximum amount of trinkets (both character and weapon) that Colt can currently have/carry/store in his arsenal is 276. Once you reach that total amount, even if it's reached while in a map, you will no longer be able to select the "send to arsenal" option when you aim the reticle over a trinket. However, you can infuse an unlimited number of Springheeled and Shock Absorber trinkets—these will continue to appear in your inventory each morning.
Equipment Restrictions [ ]
Trinkets with the same effect cannot be equipped in Personal Trinket slots or on the same weapon simultaneously (however, Trinkets with the same effect can be equipped on multiple weapons simultaneously). While Trinkets with identical effects cannot be equipped simultaneously (e.g. two Hailfires; Hailfire + Gone Commando), similar effects like damage reduction under various conditions are additive if you equip multiple such Trinkets (e.g., Turtle Shell + Stone Wall will reduce damage more than Turtle Shell alone).
The color of a Trinket indicates its quality: Grey (Crude); Turquoise (Sleek); Purple (Exemplar); Gold (Exemplar). Most Trinkets have multiple quality tiers.
Two-in-One Trinkets [ ]
Golden trinkets (personal and weapon) that combine the effects of two Purple (Exemplar) trinkets. As noted they cannot be used with their Purple component-parts, eg. You cannot equip To The Wall and Glass Cannon.
Infusing and Sacrificing [ ]
Like all other equipment, Trinkets can be infused with or sacrificed for Residuum to allow them to persist across loops.
Weapon Trinkets [ ]
Grey (Crude): 2000 Infuse | 500 Sacrifice
Turquoise (Sleek): 3000 Infuse | 750 Sacrifice
Purple (Exemplar): 5000 Infuse | 1250 Sacrifice
Golden (Exemplar): 8000 Infuse | 2000 Sacrifice
Character Trinkets [ ]
Grey (Crude): 3000 Infuse | 750 Sacrifice
Turquoise (Sleek): 5000 Infuse | 1250 Sacrifice
Purple (Exemplar): 8000 Infuse | 2000 Sacrifice
Golden (Exemplar): 9000 Infuse | 2250 Sacrifice
Protect the Loop [ ]
Juliana receives trinkets as a part of ranking up through Protect the Loop. Unlike Colt they are always of their highest possible rarity, namely Purple Exemplar or Golden Exemplar (for 2-for-1 trinkets).
Exclusive Trinkets [ ]
Certain trinkets are only available for each character.
Colt 's exclusive Trinkets[ ]
Colt's exclusive trinkets are mostly focused around Residuum gathering and Hacking .
Extended Signal
Master Hacker
Mine Own
Remote Overload
Golden Harvest
Other [ ]
Target Tracer
Poisoned Chalice
Vampire (mostly unobtainable)
Juliana 's Exclusive Trinket[ ]
Juliana has only one unique trinket, to help counter Colt's Hacking.
Trinket List [ ]
Your charges prevent Colt from hacking within a small area for a short time.
Your charges prevent Colt from hacking within a medium area for some time.
Your charges prevent Colt from hacking within a large area for a long time.
Deal slightly increased damage when attacking from behind. Sneaky!
Deal moderately increased damage when attacking from behind.
Deal greatly increased damage when attacking from behind. Clever you.
Bloodthirsty Brawler
Recover a bit of health when dealing melee damage - even with your feet.
Recover more health when dealing melee damage.
Recover a lot of health when dealing melee damage.
Cat Fall
Take less damage from falls. Shrug it off.
Take significantly reduced damage from falls. Such grace!
Take very little damage from most falls.
Charges birth a few baby bomblets that also explode.
Charges birth some baby bomblets that also explode.
Charges birth baby bomblets that also explode for crazy damage.
Comeback Kid
Regenerate slightly more total health.
Regenerate more total health.
Regenerate significantly more total health.
Creeping Death
Channel your inner assassin; make less sound while moving.
Make even less sound while moving.
Make barely a whisper of a sound while moving. Be the night breeze.
Move faster and faster after each melee hit you land. Look at you go!
Deep Pockets
Carry slightly more ammunition. Bullets need homes, too.
Carry loads more ammunition. Lock and load and load and load.
Carry a crap-ton more ammunition. Too much is never enough.
Return a little bullet damage back at your enemies when you're sprinting.
Return moderate bullet damage back at your enemies when you're sprinting.
Return significant bullet damage back at your enemies when you're sprinting.
Double Trouble
Shot spread is slightly decreased when dual-wielding.
Shot spread is moderately decreased when dual-wielding.
Shot spread is greatly decreased when dual-wielding. Double fisting!
Explosive Healing
Your mines and grenades heal instead of harm. Handle with care.
Your mines and grenades provide greater healing and zero harming.
Your mines and grenades are marvels, significantly healing those they hit.
Extended Signal
Hack devices at a greater range.
Hack devices at an even greater range.
Hack devices from crazy far away.
Fast Hands
Reload both guns quickly when dual-wielding.
Reload both guns more quickly when dual-wielding.
Reload both guns in a blink of an eye when dual-wielding. Like a cowboy, baby.
Glass Cannon
Deal more damage, take more damage. Live dangerously.
Deal even more damage, but suffer more damage.
Dealing great damage comes with taking great damage.
Golden Harvest
Harvest slightly more Residuum from all sources.
Harvest significantly more Residuum from all sources.
Harvest a hefty amount of Residuum from all sources. Tasty.
Recoil is slightly reduced while dual-wielding. Less buck with your bang.
Recoil is moderately reduced while dual-wielding.
Recoil is greatly reduced while dual-wielding. Silky smooth.
Hard Headed
Take less damage from headshots. Eternalists aim for the body. Julianna, though...
Eternalists aim for the body, but bullets can still hit your head. Go prepared.
Take significantly reduced damage from headshots. Who needs helmets?
Automatically absorbs Residuum from any nearby infused objects.
Automatically absorbs Residuum from any nearby infused objects.
Automatically absorbs Residuum from any nearby and slightly beyond infused objects.
Juiced Up
Maximum power is greatly increased. Maximum. Power.
Killer Flow
Regain a little Power when you perform assassinations.
Regain moderate Power when you perform assassinations.
Regain significant Power when you perform assassinations.
Last Stand
Deal more damage when low on health. The best revenge is served immediately.
Deal increased damage when low on health. Share the pain.
Deal greatly increased damage when low on health. That your blood or theirs?
Master Hacker
The hackamajig hacks electronics slightly faster.
The hackamajig speedily hacks stuff from hackable to hacked.
The hackamajig hacks with a red hot quickness. Next gen tech today!
Mechanical Affinity
Friendly nearby turrets and nullifiers are tougher. Turrets dish out more damage.
Friendly nearby turrets and nullifiers are even stronger and deadlier.
Friendly nearby turrets become solid murder machines. Nullifiers toughen up.
Mine Own
Hack mines. Turn them against your enemies or detonate them remotely. Thanks, Mr. Hackamajig!
Never Say Die
Maximum health is slightly increased. You're here to stay.
Maximum health is moderately increased.
Maximum health is greatly increased. You're built to last.
Party Time
Take less damage in crowded areas. It's called 'extraversion'.
Take less damage when people are near, you party animal.
Take less damage when people are close by. Go get'em, tiger.
Personal Touch
Barehanded assassinations are quicker, and kicks inflict damage. Who needs guns?
Barehanded assassinations are quicker, and kicks do substantial damage.
Barehanded assassinations are quicker, and you kick like a mule.
Deal slightly increased damage while dual-wielding.
Deal moderately increased damage while dual-wielding.
Deal greatly increased damage while dual-wielding. Bang bang.
Plasma Power
When you're out of power, Slabs draw from your health instead.
When you're out of power, Slabs efficiently draw from your health instead.
When you're out of power, Slabs draw incredibly efficiently from your health.
Poisoned Chalice
This Trinket drains your health. In exchange? Jack shit.
Power Slide
Your slide just got a little stronger.
Your slide just got stronger. Line 'em up and knock 'em down!
Your slide just got the strongest, so go ahead. Tackle Eternalists into oblivion.
Remote Overload
The Hackamajig can detonate hacked devices. Hacked scout radios explode during alarms.
Regenerate power a bit faster and keep that Slab busy.
You regenerate power quickly.
Your power regenerates faster than fast. Science!
Scavenger's Luck
Loot a little bit more ammunition from all sources.
Loot even more ammunition from all sources.
Loot loads more ammunition from all sources. Waste not, want not.
Silver Lining
Scavenge the occasional bullet that hits you into your own ammunition.
Add more of the bullets that hit you to your own ammunition. Still hurts.
Add many bullets that hit you to your own ammunition. Return to sender.
Slick Slide
Slide slightly further. Slip slide away.
Slide even further. How far? Only one way to find out.
Slide for miles and miles. Well, for a pretty long distance anyway.
Slow Fuse
Enemies' explosives take slightly longer to detonate.
Enemies' explosives take longer to detonate.
Enemies' explosives take a lot longer to detonate.
Create a concussive blast around you when you drop from a height.
Create a larger blast around you when you drop from a height.
Create a big ol' blast when you drop from a height. You're the bomb.
Spring Heeled
Double-jump in mid-air. A classic maneuver.
Move with additional speed and grace, like a balletic giraffe.
Move with even more speed.
Move with great speed. Ride the wind.
Stab N Grab
Melee kills grant you a few bullets.
Melee kills grant you several bullets. Where does it come from?
Melee kills grant you loads of ammo. Wouldn't want it to go to waste.
Steel Lungs
Gas exposure does less damage. Still smells, though.
Gas exposure does no damage at all. Go ahead and enjoy those beans.
Gas exposure now heals you. Enjoy the scent of airborne toxins in the morning.
Stone Wall
Receive less damage, deal less damage. Take it easy.
Inflict reduced damage, but suffer reduced damage.
Receive and inflict minimal damage. Be the concrete slab you always wanted to be.
Swift Shadow
Move quickly while crouched - the only crab on Blackreef.
Move even faster while crabbing it up. Er, when crouched.
Move swiftly while crouched, like some kind of sleek mega murder crab.
Swift Stitch
Regenerate health quickly and get back in the fight.
Regenerate health faster.
Regenerate health so fast you might look younger.
Target Tracer
Reveal where a Tagged enemy on patrol is going next.
Your charges do no damage, instead marking enemies with Focus in a large radius.
Your charges do no damage, instead marking enemies with Focus in an expanded radius.
Your charges do no damage, instead marking enemies with Focus in an expansive radius.
Turtle Shell
Take reduced damage from everything - from bullets to stubbed toes.
Take less damage from everything.
Greatly reduces damage taken.
Unstoppable Force
Sprint into an enemy for damage and a knockdown. Nice running into them.
Sprinting into an enemy damages them further and knocks them down.
Sprinting into an enemy damages them significantly and knocks them the fuck over.
2-in-1 Trinkets : these combine the effects of 2 Exemplar trinkets.
Component Trinkets
Deal more damage and reload faster when dual-wielding.
Pistolero and Fast Hands
Born Bruiser
Kicks do substantial damage. Recover a bit of health when dealing melee damage.
Personal Touch and Bloodthirsty Brawler
Receive and inflict minimal damage. Scavenge the bullets that hit you into your own ammunition.
Stone Wall and Silver Lining
Hard-Headed Cat
Take less damage from headshots and falls.
Hard Headed and Cat Fall
When you're out of power, Slabs draw from your health. Maximum health regeneration is increased.
Comeback Kid and Plasma Power
People Person
Regenerate health faster and take less damage when people are close by.
Swift Stitch and Party Time
Shot spread and recoil are decreased when dual-wielding.
Double Trouble and Gunslinger
Move quieter. Your charges do no damage but mark enemies with Focus in a large radius.
Creeping Death and Tracker
Rolling In It
Carry a crap-ton more ammunition. Plus, melee kills grant you loads of ammo.
Deep Pockets and Stab N Grab
Loot more ammunition and harvest more Residuum from all sources.
Scavenger's Luck and Golden Harvest
Swift Death
Deal increased damage when attacking from behind. Move swiftly when crouched.
Backstabber and Swift Shadow
To The Wall
Receive and inflict substantial damage. Deal increased damage when low on health.
Glass Cannon and Last Stand
Wrecking Ball
Move faster and sprint into enemies for damage and a knockdown.
Sprinter and Unstoppable Force
Unobtainable Trinkets : Previously available.
Recover a small amount of health when you damage enemies.
Recover a moderate amount of health when you damage enemies.
Recover a great amount of health when you damage enemies. Go get'em leech!
Fixed Locations [ ]
Some of the trinkets have a fixed spawn location, the list of which can be found within Trinket Locations .
Related Achievements and Trophies [ ]
For Every Occasion
Take 36 different Trinkets into the field with you while playing as Colt.
Gallery [ ]
Original Sleek Personal Trinket, eventually replaced with Blue.
Exemplar Personal Trinket.
Notes [ ]
Denotes features added in Game Updates/04 aka the GOLDENLOOP
References [ ]