Updaam is one of the locations in Deathloop. It is presumably a cliffside branch of Karl’s bay, and is the second highest area in the game, second only to the Stabilizer Core. It consists of a main large area, and a disconnected Portion where Condition Detachment is held by Charlie Montague, which can only be accessed at noon. On the far end of the map is Dorsey Manor, the residence of AEON financial banker Aleksis Dorsey, which can only be accessed at night.
- AEON Archival Office
- Bakery
- Candy Bar
- Cass's Apartment (with Smoking Apparatus)
- Cliffside Cave (with Hidden Safe)
- Cliffside Lower Road
- Cliffside Plateau (atop the RAK)
- Cliffside Upper Road
- Condition Detachment
- Derelict Apartment
- Dorsey Manor
- Dorsey Square
- Fireworks Boutique
- Library Square
- Luxury Suite
- Moxie Control System
- Sniper Nest
- The Library
- The Library Backyard
- The Moxie
- The RAK
- Town Street
- Yasen Station